Pain Management



RESTORE is an innovative and ambitious pain management programme from RTW Plus designed to address the significant shortfall of pain management provision in UK.

RESTORE holistically combines technology, evidenced based behavioural science and clinical supervision to achieve successful outcomes for patients. A vital differentiating characteristic is integrating modular pain neuroscience education and behaviour modification with 1:1 specialist clinical support and 24/7 health coaching

RESTORE provides personalised support to the patients, through a Health App supporting the 8-week programme empowering patients to take control of their pain; giving a pain team in the patient’s pocket.

The positive outcomes for patients include reduction in chronic pain and prescribed pain medicines, improved emotional well-being, sleep and quality of life

RESTORE overcomes the significant waiting times of NHS, inhibitory prices of private specialist pain management programmes delivering improved patient outcomes, ease of access and shorter treatment lifecycle through virtual services delivering significant value of money.

RESTORE is delivered remotely thereby avoiding both the clinician and patients travel and thus is environmentally friendly in the form of lower carbon emissions and also can be delivered within the current social distancing restrictions due to COVID19.


Self management and implementing behavioural change strategies can be challenging for some people, specially early in their pain journey when they may be looking for an organic cause of their pain. ReVitalise provides a bespoke 1:1 virtual intervention for4 sessions identifying the specific challenges of the individual, setting SMART goals with them and helping them embed the learning and strategies into their daily life. ReVitalise builds upon the behaviour change strategies of Empowered Relief and trains individuals in specific skills of self management to ensure sustained outcomes through a develop a personalised toolkit of practical, evidence-based strategies.

pain management

Empowered Relief

Empowered Relief™ is an evidence-based, single- session pain class that rapidly equips patients with pain management skills providing an overview of the pain; why we hurt and how we can utilise behavioural strategies to overcome the unhelpful negative thinking, manage pain and fatigue, and enhance wellness.

Empowered Relief has been shown to reduce medicine intake after surgery, improve pain outcomes and achieve similar results as 8 weeks of CBT.

We are pleased to be providing Empowered Relief as a part of Living Well With Pain programme in association with Guys and St Thomas Charity and Black Thrive. 


Pain Management


RTW Plus Connexions

Health Coaching

Rehabilitation Services